The importance of Technical SEO

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Technical SEO: Definition, Importance and Best Practices

Technical optimisation of your website is essential to creating an effective digital marketing strategy. This article will explain the elements and importance of having.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to website and server optimisation techniques that make it easier for search engine bots to find and index your website’s content.

Why Should You Optimise Your Site Technically?

Technical SEO optimisation of your website is essential for obtaining organic traffic. It helps major search engines recognise the value of your content and boost your website’s visibility in search engine results, which can lead to more visitors and a better user experience.

Quality content alone may not be enough to give your website visibility; technical SEO is an effective way to ensure it gets noticed by search engines.

What Are the Characteristics of a Technically Optimised Website?

A website that’s technically optimised website will typically possess the following qualities:

High Performance

When optimising for technical SEO performance, it is essential to look at various factors such as on-page SEO loading time (with an ideal page speed response of under two seconds), the waterfall of your pages during loading, responsiveness to commands, and the website’s usability. Some other key metrics to track and optimise include:

  • First byte: First byte loading times represent the time between an HTTP request and when the page’s first byte appears in the user’s browser.
  • First paint: First paint time represents how quickly the first pixel of a webpage appears after a user navigates to the page.
  • First meaningful paint: First meaningful paint is the paint after which the most significant above-the-fold layout change has happened and web fonts have loaded.
  • First interactive: First interactive measures when the user’s window is quiet enough to handle user input.
  • DOM content load: DOM content load fires when an initial HTML document has been completely loaded and parsed.
  • Page load: Page load represents the time it takes for a webpage to load fully in a user’s browser.

Weeding out old or unneeded code from your web pages is the perfect way to boost its performance.


To make it easier for search engine bots, like spiders and crawlers, to interpret and access your website, you need to optimise it for crawler bots.

  • Minimal site errors
  • Wisely implemented redirects
  • An updated XML site map
  • Minimal duplicate content
  • Indexed pages


For spiders and crawlers to access your website effectively, it is crucial to optimise indexability. This requires code manipulation, and there are multiple techniques one can use to achieve this, including monitoring non-index tabs, keeping track of robots.txt files and checking canonical tags.

Why Is Technical SEO Important?

Good technical SEO play is essential for a successful digital marketing plan as it can:

Demonstrate Your Site’s Value To Search Engines

Enhancing your website’s technical SEO makes sure that users can access your high-value content quickly and can help maintain its position in search engine results. If you have an effective keyword SEO strategy, optimising for technical SEO ensures that the right people find your valuable content.

Increase Your Web Pages Rankings

Optimising your site for technical SEO has two significant benefits: drawing in and sustaining visitors and allowing web crawlers to take account of your content quickly. Websites optimised for technical SEO provide an incredible user experience with quick loading speeds and dependable links. This ensures that people visiting your site stay on the pages as long as possible, increasing your search engine results. Sites configured for spiders and crawlers also have more chances of scoring high on significant search engine outcomes.

How Can You Improve Your Technical SEO?

Try these steps to enhance your technical SEO:

1. Apply SSL

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security protocol that constructs reinforced connections between the web server and browser. It is general for SSLs to be present on sites that obtain and store personal information, such as credit card buys. Therefore, major search engines have recently developed a warning system to notify users if they enter a website without it. By applying SSL to your website, you can ensure that search engines will not send users away from your site and will have the capability of sustaining your result ratings from searches.

Installing an SSL certificate on your website domain and migrating the pages to HTTPS are steps you may take to secure your web pages.

2. Decrease Site Load Time

Users may be hastier to leave a website that takes too long to open. To guarantee the time your users spend embedded in your material and advance your search result rankings, ensure that your website has fast loading times. Furthermore, major search engines now consider loading speed when establishing rank orders. To reduce the load time of your site, you can try compressing big images and multi-faceted items into content that is smaller and easier to manage. Additionally, you can consider browser caching, setting up a content delivery network (CDN), and erasing new scripts and files to refine your site’s load time.

3. Remove 404s and Broken Links

When a web page is deleted or a URL is altered, 404 pages remain, which are URLs directing to nowhere. To help technical SEO, these should be eliminated from your webpage. The most probable source of these non-existent links is when either the URL had been changed, or the page was no longer needed, so it was deleted. Should there be an instance such as this, ensure that you set up a 301 redirect to transfer users to the new page?

If any pages are broken, spiders and crawlers won’t be able to explore your website. Avoiding 404s and bad links can improve user experience and create better search engine rankings.

4. Eliminate Mixed Content Issues

Applying SSL to your website may cause mixed content issues if some of the pages in your menu remain unsecured. To fix this, you may need to adjust each page manually. Run a website audit to identify any existing mixed content errors.

Ensure that all added pages to your website are embedded going forward to prevent mixed content issues.

5. Remove Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is what appears on more than one of your webpages. This can disorient crawler spiders, and duplicate content can seem repetitive to users, so to optimise your website technically for SEO, make sure you delete any repeated content. This duplication can be either exact or close, so checking your webpages thoroughly for such data and removing any surplus material is essential.

6. Create an XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap informs search engines about webpages that are accessible for crawling, increasing the chances of them being seen by bots. It’s an excellent way to ensure your site isn’t overlooked and gain exposure.

Technical SEO Best Practices

Below is a list of common technical SEO best practices:

Specify a Preferred Domain

A preferred domain is an essential SEO tactic that can significantly improve your website’s interactivity with crawlers and spiders. Altering your preferred domain settings can help Google recognise which webpages are the most suitable for crawling. For instance, Google would view and as disparate sites and might misperceive them as copy content. Make sure to adjust your preferred domain settings in Google to enhance the technical optimisation of your site.

Optimise Robots.txt

Using a robots.txt file to inform web robots which pages on your site should be crawled allows you to optimise your search engine result rankings and increase website visitors.

Optimise Your URL Structure

Creating URLs that users and search engine bots understand is essential in optimising your website. It would be best if you used the following checklist to make sure your URLs are optimised for success:

  • Edit each page’s URL for relevance.
  • Follow a standard URL structure.
  • Please keep it simple.
  • Use your primary keyword.
  • Use hyphens to separate words.
  • Remove stop words.
  • Use canonical tags when necessary.

Navigation and Site Structure

Optimising your website’s structure and organisation can help draw in users and make it more visible to search engine crawlers. Here are some tips for streamlining your website’s navigation:

  • Create a hierarchy to organise your information.
  • Use a URL structure that corresponds with your hierarchy.
  • Create your site navigation in HTML or CSS.
  • Use a shallow depth navigation structure.
  • List your main navigation pages in a header on your homepage.
  • Develop a comprehensive internal linking structure.

Breadcrumb Menus

Breadcrumb menus are a useful type of navigation system that helps visitors understand where they are on your site. They provide an additional navigation method to improve user experience and boost search engine rankings.

Implement Structured Data Markup

Google, Bing, and other search engines encourage webmasters to use structured data, incentivising that usage by providing benefits to websites with structured data correctly implemented. A Structured Data Markup Helper helps Google understand the content on your webpage. By doing this, pages such as recipes, addresses and product pages can be displayed better in the search engines when people search for related terms on search engines such as Google

Canonical URLs

Canonical URLs are an essential part of optimising your website. A canonical link element is HTML code which helps webmasters steer clear of duplicate content in SEO. It specifies a page’s “canonical” or “preferred” version and points crawler bots to that page.

Optimise 404 Page

To ensure your website runs smoothly, it’s important to monitor and optimise the 404 pages. Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) and Google Analytics are great tools for keeping track of these errors.

XML Site Map Optimization

Enhancing the success of your technical SEO may be aided by optimising your XML site map. Apps, plug-ins, and other instruments that can automatically supervise and optimise your site map are readily available. You also have the option of manually optimising the map and then submitting it to Google for inspection. When doing this, emphasise the most skilled pages in your site map to increase the visibility of your better content.


To optimise your SEO, creating an SSL is an essential step. This is relatively simple to do, start the URL with “HTTPS:” instead of “HTTP:”.

Incorporating SSL into your website’s URL creates an encrypted connection between a browser and web server, thus ensuring all user information is secure and enhancing the trustworthiness of your page in search engine results.

Website Speed

Optimising a website’s speed is essential for its technical performance. Some ways to increase the speed include:

  • Enabling compression
  • Minifying JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
  • Reducing redirects
  • Using browser caching
  • Using a content distribution network
  • Optimising images

Mobile Friendliness

A website that works on smartphones and other devices is critical for success. You can increase mobile compatibility by:

  • Testing your site using Google’s mobile-friendly tool.
  • Using a responsive WordPress theme.
  • Choosing a reliable web host.
  • Redesigning your pop-ups for mobile browsers.
  • Creating a mobile app.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) are an open-source HTML framework designed to load webpages on mobile devices faster. Implementing AMPs can significantly improve your mobile user experience.

Pagination and Multilingual Websites

Paging, or pagination, is a technique that involves breaking up a webpage into several discrete pages. This method is often used with multilingual sites to ensure each language is accessible. Add the .pagination class to your code to get started with basic paging.

Register Your Site with Webmaster Tools

Signing up for webmaster tools like Google’s Search Console can help make it easier to optimise your site. Log into your Google account and join the Search Console for useful optimisation features.

The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Learning Technical SEO

As a beginner, technical SEO can be pretty tricky. Executing an effective SEO strategy can be made more accessible by being aware of the most common errors people make. Here are a few:

  • Keyword stuffing: Stuffing keywords into small segments of your content can decrease the value of your site as perceived by spiders and crawlers. Do your best to disperse keywords across your webpages to enhance the relevance and quality of your website.
  • Not understanding searcher intent: It’s essential to understand user intent to optimise your website to best fulfil your user’s needs. Try prioritising your information based on the most valuable and relevant content, such as search engines.
  • Slow site speeds: Pay attention to your site’s speeds to enhance user experience, extend the average time spent on your site and boost your rankings on search engine results.

Technical SEO Audit

A technical SEO audit helps you to examine and update the strategies you’ve used in the past. It helps you take stock of your website’s performance and make necessary changes to boost it further.

Through website auditing, you understand your website’s capabilities and any potential issues. It’s better to be proactive in preparing for potential quirks rather than waiting for problems to arise.

A professional assessment can help you enhance outcomes like revenue and customer satisfaction. An SEO report evaluates the website to check if it requires additional optimisation for better search engine visibility, responsiveness, and sales.

Carrying out a regular technical SEO audit can keep your website up-to-date and optimised for search engines, resulting in more traffic and high rankings on SERPs (search engine results pages).

This post will explore the importance of conducting a technical audit, which is essential for multiple reasons.


Content strategy success relies on understanding your current performance and business objectives. Designing a powerful content plan can help to drive web traffic and maximise visibility in search engine results.

Whenever you conduct a technical audit on your website, there are always areas that need adjustment. These audits help make your website’s growth more successful and enable you to create a more targeted plan.


To outperform your rivals, it’s essential to understand what makes them successful and apply those insights to your own efforts.

A thorough SEO assessment will provide you with various opportunities to improve your website and increase visibility in search engines.


An effective website audit will inform your technically optimised website of any issues such as crawl errors, on-page issues, backlink redundancy, broken links and slow loading speed. Keeping up to date with search engines such as Google’s ranking protocols is essential; your top-ranked website may lose its standings if ignored.

With a technical audit, you can detect errors before they cause problems and lower your visibility. This inspection makes it possible to remove those issues and boost your website’s worth. A professional assessment can show you what is bringing down your site and provide directions for how to handle any mistakes.


A technical SEO audit can uncover new ways to improve the design of a website and optimise it for SEO. With mobile first indexing and Google’s Core Web Vitals Update, regular audits will ensure that the website is optimised on mobile devices and retains visibility despite poor user experience.


Technical SEO analysis is essential for avoiding decreases or losses in your Google rankings. This ensures you stay ahead of competitors by keeping your website SEO-optimized and a top choice in search engine results pages when specific keywords are used.


To ensure that your website gets the attention it deserves, you should optimise your content from a technical standpoint. This could include utilising various tools,