A Beginner’s Guide to Creating the Optimal Blog Title

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How to Write Great Blog Titles: 9 Tips to Writing Catchy Titles in 2023

If you want to attract more readers to your blog, invest time in learning how to create engaging blog post titles.

Some newer bloggers don’t place much importance on choosing blog post titles, often just coming up with one before publishing a post and then moving on to the next one.

People are often shocked when they don’t get any views on their blogs.

The headlines you choose for your blog post are key. They can significantly impact the number of readers you obtain, primarily through search engines, social media platforms, and emails.

Unless you take the time to craft great blog post titles, your blog is likely to fall short of success. Paying attention to your article titles will give you an edge in blogging.

It’s simple to write catchy blog titles, and tweaking older titles to work better is a breeze.

This concise guide to blog post titles will show you everything from what works, how to create great titles, and what mistakes to avoid.

How to Write Blog Titles (9 Quick Tips to Writing Catchy Titles)

Need Catchy Blog Title Ideas?

Check out my AI-Powered Blog Title Generator Tool to quickly get creative and SEO-friendly titles for your blog posts.

Generally, 80% of readers will only read the title, while 20% will proceed to read the post.

This highlights why blog titles are vital. You should increase the clickthrough rate so that more readers view your entire post, not just the headline.

People may come to your blog for various reasons, such as:

  • Your blog post showed up in a Google search
  • Someone shared a link to your post on social media
  • They’re already in your audience, and you sent out an email about a new post

The title of your post is crucial, as it’s the first thing they’ll see when comparing it to other content. Make sure you create a title that captures their attention, especially in a competitive landscape.

Crafting a compelling title is essential, as this will determine if readers view your content.

Your blog post titles must include your primary keyword, as this is a key factor for Google rankings. Even if you have great content, without an appropriate title, you won’t get the ranking you want.

Creating an eye-catching title is key in getting readers to share your post. A descriptive yet concise title can motivate people to spread the word about your content, as opposed to titles such as “Update” or “News”.

The Washington Post reported several years ago that it had become evident that many social media users only read an article’s headline or title before sharing it – and this is not a new occurrence.

A hilarious headline by the Science Post, “Study: 70% of Facebook users only read the headline of science stories before commenting,” was accompanied by a block of text!

Knowing why titles are significant, it’s time to understand what creates a great title.

When writing blog titles, it is important to use straightforward words that are not misleading or overly complicated.

Writing compelling blog titles involves combining simple language with words that evoke curiosity, stir enthusiasm, and prompt readers to click on the article. For example, here are a few titles from my popular content:

Analyze these blog titles and decide which one you would be more likely to read:

  • Blog Post Titles
  • This Weird 8/10 Rule Will Astonish You

The first title is accurate but lacks appeal. If a person sees it on social media, they won’t pay much attention to it unless they are already looking for tips on creating blog post titles.

Aiming to get clicks, the second title appears a bit sketchy — we have probably all spotted such headlines. It is also very imprecise: which guideline? It could relate to every single area of expertise. Possibly, just a few readers will interact due to wonders, however, most will evade it.

This post is an excellent example of a compelling title – it’s specific, clear, and includes words that evoke a positive feeling (“powerful” and “great”). And since you’re reading this post, I’m sure it worked for you!

What best way to create an attention-grabbing headline for your blog post? Should it come before or after the content is written?

1. Start the Title with Your Target Keyword Phrase

Consider your blog title right away as you begin the writing process and do research on possible topics. This enables you to make sure your post

When working on an article, you may select from a list of possible keywords that can be the focus of the write-up.

Use My Free Keyword Research Tool

Test out my AI-driven Keyword Tool to get numerous, data-supported keywords and topics for your blog today – at no cost.

If you’re writing a blog post on SEO for bloggers, some appropriate keywords to include in the title could be:

Those keywords can’t be used as standalone titles, but they offer an excellent launching pad to develop an interesting blog title.

2. Add a Number to Your Blog Post Title

Including a number in your title is an effective way of making it attractive to readers.

Let’s use the four topics generated by keyword research, adding a number in front of each. I’ve bolded the added parts:

  • 6 Steps to start a Blog
  • 12 Ways to Make Money Blogging
  • 10 BestFree Blogging Sites
  • 8 Tips for smart Guest Blogging

With just a few words, it’s easy to transform keywords into exciting blog titles. Plus, you’ll have an outline for your blog post right away!

The “6 Steps for Starting a Blog” system can apply to many situations. Here are some examples:

  • 6 Steps for Starting at a New University (student blog)
  • 6 Steps for Easier Traveling With Kids (travel or parenting blog)
  • 6 Steps for Overcoming Anxiety (self-improvement or health-related blog)

You can substitute the number 6 for any other number.

3. Appeal to Reader Emotions Using Power Words

To make a compelling title, it’s important to incorporate words that evoke emotion, often referred to as “power words”.

Let’s review the titles we’re working on and add extra terms.

  • 6EasySteps for Starting a blog today
  • 12 Ways to Make Money Blogging(That Really Work)
  • The 10 Best Free Blogging SitesCompared
  • 8 Tips for Guest Posting and Skyrocketing Your Sales

Do you notice how much more appealing these blog titles are?

This example focuses on the reader’s wish for convenience and speed. You can use simple, straightforward, beginner-friendly, and step-by-step words to show readers that your post is easy to follow. Adding terms like today, instantly, fast, quick, and immediately indicates that readers can follow your advice immediately.

4. Use Title or Headline Writing Templates

Utilizing blog post title templates can assist with swiftly creating your titles.

I’m the best writer for creating great blog titles! ?

Check out my guide on headline writing, and leave a comment with a blog title you would like me to rewrite and provide you with some ideas!

When looking for headlines, find the ones that make sense for you and your niche. Don’t use a headline that doesn’t feel right – there are plenty of other good options.

5. Try Out Online Blog Title Generator Tools

There are various tools available that will help you create headlines. Some even generate possible blog post titles, such as my tool does here:

My Blog Title Generator: Free Tool for AI-Powered SEO Blog Title Ideas

Don’t over-analyze your headlines; it’s ok to be satisfied with ‘good enough’. You can adjust your blog titles as needed after seeing how Google responds.

6. Create Your Own Blog Post Title Swipe File

A great technique to find catchy titles for blog posts is to save fascinating article titles on your desktop. These can come from any industry, and they can still teach you a lot.

Make a file to store ideas for blog post titles – referred to as a “swipe file” in copywriting.

Look at my best blog posts for ideas – you can borrow some of the titles if you like.

When using titles for your posts, don’t just copy them. Instead, make them unique and give them your twist.

For instance, 201+ Popular Blog Post Ideas That Attract Visitors.

You could create a template from the blog title like this:

XXX+ Greatest ___ Ideas That’ll Truly _____

If your blog focuses on keeping your house tidy and organized, you could write:

Get Inspired with These Helpful Home Organization Ideas for Your Space

An alternative title for a post about travelling the world could be: “Exploring the Globe”.

Discover 101 of the Most Affordable Travel Destinations Compared to Staying Home.

When reading other blogs, take note of what compels you to click. What words and phrases in titles attract you? Can you implement some into your blog post titles?

7. Come Up With Several Different Blog Post Titles (to Test)

A little-known fact is that the titles of my blog posts aren’t always the first ideas I have.

When creating a post, it’s best to devise at least three title ideas, which may be edited in the future.

After looking at three different blog title examples, we decided to use one that targeted a competitive keyword more directly for this post.

You should test blog titles for any of your own blog posts.

When planning a post, come up with multiple options for a title. This can help determine the structure and tone of your post.

There are a few things to avoid when writing blog post titles – even if you see other bloggers (or journalists) using these techniques.

You want to steer clear of:

1. Clickbait or Misleading Blog Titles

Titles are often referred to as “clickbait,” as they commonly lure people in with promises that don’t match up with the content.

Titles like this can draw readers in – but they may be frustrated and never return to your website.

Ranker has gathered some clickbait titles that rely heavily on shock value rather than keywords:

  • “When You Find Out What These Kids Are Jumping Into, Your Jaw Will Drop”
  • “Baby Ducks See Water For The First Time – Can You BELIEVE What They Do?”

Making grand and overinflated promises is a form of clickbait, like calling your blog post “The Billionaire’s Guide to Making Six Figures Blogging OVERNIGHT” when the post only has a few basic ideas about making money online. You’ve earned just a few dollars from blogging.

2. Blog Post Titles That Don’t Align With Your Blog’s Niche or Brand

Titles that work for one blog or niche may not necessarily be successful on another. If your blog’s content is serious and academic, sentiments that may play well in other niches can instead result in your blog being seen as untrustworthy or frivolous.

When creating titles for your content, ensure that they fit with your brand’s identity; for instance, if your blog is about relaxation techniques, it’s probably best to avoid titles that invoke negative emotions, such as “The Most Frustrating Yoga Moves Everyone Dislikes.”